Product Editor Germany

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As Product Editor Germany, you’ll be writing the most original and customer-friendly product descriptions and advice articles in German for our various product groups. How do I become a Product Editor Germany at P&V Link? Do you speak and write German fluently? Do you have both a feel for language and a critical eye? Then keep reading. Kay will explain how you become Product Editor for our German webshop at P&V Link. You enjoy doing this, Helping our German customers choose the right product by writing advisory content and product descriptions that give more information about our products. Gather all relevant product information, so that you can select the most important information for our customers. Using SEO techniques to write product descriptions that score high in the Google search result ranking. Reducing the amount of returns in your product category thanks to your writing skills. Identifying with the German target audience, so that you’re writing texts that appeal to them and that meet their needs. Running the product category together with your team. That includes many Friday drinks, meetings, brainstorms, overcoming obstacles, and celebrating successes. You recognize yourself in the following, You can speak and write German very well (C⚠ level), You preferably hold a degree in Journalism or Communications. You get bonus points if you already have some experience writing for a target audience, such as for a blog, website, or magazine. You’re customer-oriented, so you can really understand our customers and their needs when it comes to products. You have experience with SEO. You like to take action, always see room for improvement, and are quick to adapt. This is what you’re looking for in a job, Over ⚠ training programs in our very own P&V Link University, so you can get a bit better every single day. An amazingly good working atmosphere. This comes with freshly made snacks, monthly drinks, legendary P&V Link parties, the best team activities and an informal, playful department. ⚠ leave days. As long as you promise to come back. Travel allowance and a retirement plan. A picture-perfect office at a great location. You could crawl to work from Rotterdam Central Station. Though we recommend just walking for ⚠ minutes. Competitive salary and benefits package. A discount on all the products we sell. Room for new initiatives and ideas. We’re always open to those, whether you’ve been with us for a week, a month, or a year. A flat organisation in the broadest sense of the word. That way, you can easily drink a beer with the boss.