Senior Lecturer-researcher Computer Science | Zuyd Hogeschool

We are an open knowledge institute where professionals at every stage of their development cross the boundaries of their fields to collaborate in the transfer, development and application of high-quality, practical knowledge. For our challenging education and research environment within the Technology cluster, we are looking for a lecturer-researcher with experience and affinity within the context of Applied AI, in the field of computer science. We are looking for someone who, with a passion for craftsmanship, educates young professionals in an open, entrepreneurial and inspiring way so they will make a difference in our region, and who is also enthusiastic about doing applied research. As a senior lecturer we expect you to coordinate and implement a part of the educational programme in relation to Applied AI and Computer Science. Next to that a part of your role will also be to inspire and coach team members related to the mentioned subjects and create support within the team. Furthermore, you will be initiating the development and implementation of (English-taught) bachelor education in the field of Applied AI and Computer Science as well as teaching, supervising and coaching students. Besides that you will also be conducting research within the Research Centre for Data Intelligence and develop tests and review methodologies. Thus, ensuring knowledge circulation.


Hold a PhD or master's degree in the field of computer science, applied mathematics, or a related field; Possess professional English language skills at level C1 and Dutch language skills at level NT2 at the very least; Have demonstrable knowledge and experience within the field of software engineering, object oriented programming, data structures and algorithms, data engineering, real-time systems, embedded systems, state machines and distributed systems. Hands-on demonstrable knowledge and experience in programming is a must; Be able to translate and convert this knowledge into practically usable solutions; Have experience with practice- and design-oriented research; Have good oral and written communication skills and the ability for multidisciplinary collaboration; Think out-of-the-box and have an open working attitude; Inspire colleagues to solve problems in an analytical, creative and innovative way; Depending on background and experience (PhD degree), coordinate parts of teaching and research and prepare grant applications for new research opportunities; Be a team player who can collaborate in multidisciplinary teams. WAT VRAGEN WIJ AAN JOU?

ADSAI is a new academy within the Science and Technology domain. You will collaborate with your colleagues, including lecturers, researchers, support staff, and management, in order to contribute to education in a professional and friendly environment. Together we work hard to inspire young talents and professionals from around the world to be interested in AI and to live and work in Limburg. Furthermore, we show an interest in each other and in you as an individual. There is a reason why one of the pillars of our strategy is called: People first. WAAROM WERKEN BIJ ZUYD?

At Zuyd University of Applied Sciences, we build future-oriented and sustainable education, innovation and the development of the Meuse-Rhine Euroregion together. Come work at a university of applied sciences where you yourself get the attention and guidance you deserve. For this position, we would like to start with a one-year contract, with a size of 1.0 FTE. If it suits both sides well, we are happy to explore the possibility of extension. The salary is a maximum of scale 12, cao-hbo. The grading is based on education and work experience. That means a maximum of €6.899,83 gross per month based on full-time employment. On top of this comes a holiday allowance of 8%, a year-end bonus of 8.3%, plenty of holidays, professionalisation and employability hours and a complete vitality offer. In case of internal candidates, current employment will be respected.


Things you would like to discuss before you apply? No problem. Feel free to contact our head of programme:Fouad de Vries, telephone number: +316-30904183; e-mail address: . Are your qualities at home at Zuyd? Then simply respond by leaving your details on this website. Or do you know someone who is tailor-made for this vacancy? Then tip them off. You will make us both very happy. Thanks in advance. Don’t wait too long! We close this vacancy on the 11th of July, so we look forward to receiving your application before that date. Docent Engels DaCapo College (vacnr. 14328)

HBO limburg, Soest PhD candidate in Vascular Biomechanics: Digital twinning for personalised cardiovascular care

WO HBO Lecturer-researcher Computer Science



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